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  • Writer's picturePastor Belinda Owens

💥Wild Faith💥Blog 6

- Pastor Belinda🌹-June 20, 2024

For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 ESV

Nothing will be impossible with God. Without Him we don’t stand a chance. When we engage the Lord and our faith is ignited the answer will manifest. No ifs, ands, or buts about it God will meet you where you are, when you open up your faith.

If you are running low on money, give and it will open up a response from God. He will move on your behalf because of your faith. If you are running out of food, pray over it. Ask God to multiply what you have and watch Him answer your need!

We were holding crusades in Boaco, Nicaragua one year. We had several teams going out from our host church. Each team had a local pastor and their leadership who would travel everyday out and hold crusades with one of us across the area. One morning we were preparing to go out and minister. It was different than revival, we were harvesting all over the area. We would see thousands each day. We would give a salvation message and pray for those to receive Jesus, then we would pray for the sick. We saw many miracles and thousands of salvations. After we were finished we would give out rice. Many families in the mountains there were eating maybe one meal a day or every other day according to our local pastors. This one morning Rusty approached me and said “don’t take any extra rice because we don’t have enough for all the meetings”. We would go thru hundreds of pounds of rice. That morning he said “you won’t have enough for your outreaches. If you see any while you are out buy it.” My team was working in very rural areas and we didn’t see any rice to buy. Here’s what we did. I got my host pastor and my translator and we opened the back of our bus. We laid hands on what rice we did have and we prayed for multiplication! At the end of the day when we should have ran short on rice, we had rice left over! When we returned at the end of the day someone said “ well you must have taken more than you were suppose to”, I replied “ no we didn’t, we took our amount, but what we did do was lay hands on it and ask for multiplication! And God honored our prayer! He multiplied our rice that day! You have to step out in faith or you will never see a miracle, a healing, or a supernatural answer to your need! Get ahold of some 💥wild faith💥! And watch what the God above all gods will do!

He is waiting for you to pull on that faith!

💥Wild faith💥 will move God! - Pastor Belinda🌹

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