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  • Writer's picturePastor Belinda Owens

💥Wild Faith💥

not what it looks like❗️ Blog 3 - June 10, 2024 - Pastor Belinda🌹

2 Corinthians 5:7 - For we walk by faith, not by sight.

No matter what it looks like, we have sight given by faith. Eyes of faith! Not believing the lies of the enemy but believing that God is in control. When faith is released it produces results! Supernatural results!

Have you ever prayed and believed and saw God come thru for you? Maybe someone you know has had a supernatural intervention. Those events are like golden seeds. They reproduce when you plant them in a testimony! The seed of what God has done will produce what God is doing! Pull on those events. Feed your spirit man!

When I was young there was a man who went to our church. He had cleaned his life up and wanted to do better for his family. He went and applied for a job. To his surprise he was called in for an interview. He passed the interview but became worried when they mentioned doing a background check on him. He knew his past had been so bad that he would not be allowed to have the job. My dad said let’s pray. God can make those papers disappear! He was no longer that old man, but a new man! He needed this clean start! So they prayed. He was called back in and guess what…. There was no past! God had completed removed his offenses and his past record! He got the job and started prospering. God can do miracles!

Trust Him, step out and believe! It’s 💥wild faith💥 that moves mountains!

- Pastor Belinda💥

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