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  • Writer's picturePastor Belinda Owens


When angels minister to the heirs of salvation - Pastor Belinda🌷- Aug. 26th, 2024

14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those who will inherit salvation? Heb.1:14

What a week! The meetings under the Mishkan (tent) were subline! If you did not take advantage of the Mishkan I can say that you missed it! As it rolled right into the weekend meetings with Dutch Sheets and Clay Nash Bam!💥 the very presence of God was intoxicating to say the least! We received a prophetic word that God was going to raise the ceiling and He did! As we entered the war room here at the Glory Barn this morning we could tell there had been a shift. Those who sought God and hungered for His touch we met with a precious gift, More! More of Him!

On Saturday at the conference they broke the crowd up into different “tribes”. The Prayer Center of the Ozarks leadership each took an area and led in prayer. In the area Pastor Rusty and I had there were about 30 people. We had them circle as best they could moving around the seats. As we prayed the presence of God showed up. Our circle was shaped like more if a kidney. I watched as the people at each end reacted to the Lord touching them. As I looked closer there were angels in front of them. The angels were light blue and sparkled. They looked translucent. As they stood in front of the people they would bend down and take something out of a bag they had with them. Then they would place it into the person as if they were giving them a gift. This happened to each person who was participating, seeking God and wanting more!

The scripture says the angels are all ministering spirits. As we learn to work in God’s kingdom we must learn to function along side of the angels. I have a book I write called “Ministering with the angels” it’s available on Amazon and other retailers. It share the experiences I have had ministering with the angels sent from God. I believe there is so much more that is going to happen as this shift takes place. Ask God to teach you how to minister with those He has sent.

Take note of the changes you will see as we function with a higher ceiling! Yay! God!!!💥💥

- Pastor Belinda🌷

(Image created by Belinda with Microsoft AI)

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