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  • Writer's picturePastor Rusty Owens

The River

– Pastor Rusty – July 19, 2024

“And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted and became into four heads.” Gen. 2:10

A few years ago, we were visiting Israel in the north near Lebanon. Our group hiked a nature trail and came upon a beautiful small river with beautiful green/turquoise water flowing very fast. It was the head waters of the river Jordan. The lower Jordan is always murky, muddy, and slow moving. But the head waters are just the opposite. It was like two different rivers. To this day I’m still fascinated by this image of Jordan’s head waters. What ever stream your in that you have found in the Lord wether it be a house of faith or prophetic revelation or simply a teacher of His word, or maybe a stream of signs and wonders… if you were to follow that stream to its’ source you might find that the closer you get to its source is a paradise of God and that all these streams come from one river. When we realize (in spite of our own preference and enfaces) that we are drinking from the same the same river, maybe we will cease to be a house divided.🤔 Think about it.

“Father, make us one, even as you and the Son and the Holy Ghost are one. In Jesus name… Amen!”

Pastor Rusty

clivk the link to watch a Video of the Jordan River head waters

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