- Feb. 28, 2025 - Pastor Rusty
“He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.” Psa. 23:5.
Sunday morning WarRoom the Holy Spirit showed me a cup overflowing without actually being poured into. It was like an “artisan” cup. The cup looked like a chalice, like something for special occasions.🤔 There is an overflow coming. Some may be familiar with fullness, but we are going to experience an overflow. Ministering out of overflow will be a different dynamic. It is a season of more than enough. Ministering from the overflow will effect your faith levels. It will look like the removal of “lack”. There will be surplus, not just enough. It will effect your spirit, your refrigerator, your freezer, you will lend and not borrow.
“They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers.” Matt. 14:20. You will minister from surplus, living in the overflow. “Father, fill our baskets to overflow, that the remnant is greater than the sum of the deposit. Cause my cup to overflow in this season in the Holy Ghost! In Jesus name…Amen! Pastor Rusty.
Image created by Belinda with Microsoft AI
