– Pastor Rusty – July 12th,2024
“Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” Eph. 2:2
This one of the most powerful concepts in Christian ideology. To be in one mind and one accord. It implies the highest level of agreement. The phrase “one accord” appears eleven times in the book of Acts. Dr. Luke (Luke the physician) was the only New Testament writer to use this phrase other than this one time in Philippians. This phrase reveals a key to unlocking the heavens in prayer. It is the fertile soil for revelation. When men and women gather in this mystical unified state… It pleases the Father. It is His expressed intent to make us one. (Eph. 2:15). Only He can! It not only creates a position for receiving blessing, (Psa. 133), but it is the position of strength for the body of Christ. You can take on anything from a unified state. It is also the sign maturity in the body of Christ. (Eph. 4:13). When you are secure in your own identity in Christ, you are not insecure as others come into their identity. We drink from the same cup that is in Christ. We are parts of ONE body. We receive ONE Spirit and we are all baptized into one Spirit! (1 Cor. 12:13). Unity… when you have it, preserve it!
“Father, keep us in the bond of the Spirit, in one mind and one accord. En el nombre de Jesus… Amen!” Pastor Rusty
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