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  • Writer's picturePastor Belinda Owens

Intercessory prayer

- Aug. 8th, 2024 - Pastor Belinda🌷

Intercessory prayer is prayer being made on behalf of others. We intercede for the lost, for family, for our country.

Jesus is the ultimate intercessor making intercession on our behalf before the father.

Back in the 90’s intercession came to the forefront in Evangelical circles. I think more attention was focused on intercession at that time than ever before. Or at least that I know of. As I began to experience intercession it was a deep drawing from deep inside my spirit that would come forth almost like birth pains in the spirit realm. I have experienced intercession in such intense forms that my stomach was sore the next day. It was a deep groaning in the spirit. I do know there were abuses of this function in some areas. Uncontrolled emotion. As an intercessor you are never “out of control” you can control it and should in areas this spiritual function is frowned on or out of order. The Holy Spirit is always a respectful gentleman and will not have an intercessor function to bring reproach on the Father or attention to themselves. An intercessor can function in a supernatural way and should have an area he can function out of public view such as his prayer closet. The scripture states in Matt. 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Intercession is extremely important. It opens up prayer into a path way for functioning in the courts of heaven.

Intercession is a powerful means given to us by the Father. Intercession opens up your communication to the Father. While in deep intercession one may experience visions, transportation in the spirit, and an ability to feel the heart of God. If you do not function in intercession you should. Ask God to let you experience it. When I started experiencing these things we were pastors and yet I had never experienced this. Our church was experiencing an outpouring. The alters would be filled before worship was ever over. God was moving on us. As I experienced intercession, God was teaching me. He had to because at the time there was not much available on the subject, in books or any other available media. I would ask God to teach me and He did. He would let me have an experience then place me with others who had experienced the same giving me confirmation on what He was doing. Holy Spirit is a marvelous teacher.

As I and several others in our church were functioning in intercession we saw a wonderful move of God on our community. People were being healed, saved, delivered, and God’s Power was evident! Let me encourage you to pray and intercede. Ask God for experiences and don’t be afraid. If you ask Him for bread he will not give you a stone!

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5). “Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us” (Romans 8:34).

- Pastor Belinda🌷

Image created by Belinda with AI

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