- Pastor Belinda🌷 - Feb. 17, 2025
It was when I stop and stilled my head, I found the Lord was talking and this is what He said,
“Look up my child it’s me you seek. The road you walk is just a street. It leads to the one your heart holds dear, and I see me when I look in there.
You keep seeking for more of me and that’s when I will hand you the key.
Then you can take the key in your hand and unlock the cells of the spiritually dead. Each key I bring you will have a part, one for cancer, one for the heart. It’s me that they need for I am the key, take me and use me to set them all free. “
A word from the Lord as I began to listen to Him tonight. Feb.16, 2025
God bless
Pastor Belinda🌷
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Image created by Belinda with Microsoft AI
